Data Methods for Empirical Researchers

The goal is to get on the frontier on best practices in data management, coding, reproducibility etc., from people in academia, data science and business.
The first series for Fall 2021 will be as follows:
1. Project pipelines
Who : CEO Rogayeh Tabrizi of Theory and Practice.
When : Nov. 12, 202,1, 4-6PM CET
Where : online via Zoom.
2. Introduction to Shell programming
Who : Shruti Kulkarni
When : Nov 16-23-30, Dec 7, 2021. 4 lectures, Tuesdays 10-12AM CET.
Where : Room R42.3.103. No need for previous experience in shell.
3. Replicability in academic research
Who : Joan Llull, prof. at BGSE and Data Editor of the Economic Journal and the Econometric Journal.
When : Jan 18, 2022, 10-12AM CET
Where : Room R42.3.103.
The series are free and open to all of you, and will take place in a combination of in person, hybrid and online.
Please let Glenn Magerman know if you would like to attend, so we can gauge presence/capacity.
Thanks and looking forward!