Visits & Exchange

ECARES not only hosts many visitors but also offers its PhD students many opportunities to visit and collaborate with other universities. These visits are usually initiated by the PhD student in agreement with the promotor.

Past visits

Baptiste BouillardUniversité du Québec, Montréal2020
Michael Blanga-GubbayBocconi University2019-2020
Moritz HennickeGeorgetown University2019
Sarah RosenbergStockholm UniversitySpring 2019
Tom PotomsNew York University2018
Afrola PlakuLondon School of Economics2018
Michael Blanga GubbayHarvard University2018-2019
Sarah Rosenberg Institute for Fiscal Studies, London Fall 2018
Anousheh Alamir
During my first PhD year at ECARES, I joined a ULB-UNICEF joint project in Burundi. This enabled me to get a first-hand experience in fieldwork, establish connections with a major international organization, and build an original dataset useful for my own research.
Marco Pinchetti
During the last term I visited University College London. ENTER network is fantastic - it gives you the possibility to pursue and present your ongoing research in some of the most prestigious economics departments in Europe!
Michael Blanga Gubbay
ECARES is an outstanding research center with an incredible network in Europe and beyond. During my PhD I presented my research around the world, including several European universities of the ENTER network, and I had the opportunity to spend my second-to-last year visiting the Department of Economics at Harvard University