The ECARES Research Master Merit Award is an annual prize given to an outstanding student who is accepted into the doctoral school at ECARES. The total amount of this prize is of 10.000 euros and will be given at the beginning of the academic year (2021-2022).
The objective of this award is to motivate the most talented students who will start their PhD under the supervision of an ECARES fellow.
Eligibility criteria:
- Being accepted into the PhD program at ECARES (see here for the application procedure: http://ecares.ulb.ac.be/phd/program-description).
- Having an outstanding academic career, with at least the equivalent of a Belgian “distinction”.
- Having no other source for funding their research master at the time of the application.
- Apply to the ECARES Research Master Merit Award before March 31st at mathieu.parenti@ulb.ac.be .
Selection process and selection committee:
- The review process will be based on merit and assessed by three Professors of ECARES who have no conflict of interest with any of the candidates.
The winner will be announced during the first week of November by the Director of the research center, ECARES.