First UCB-SBSEM symposium on Business and Society on June 27, 2022

This symposium is part of UCB and the Solvay Brussels School’s aspiration to contribute to a healthy debate on the roles and responsibilities of business in the ecosystem that “makes society”, so that society can flourish and set the path to a desirable future for the generations to come.
The past decades have witnessed fundamental changes in the organization of our societies: rapid globalization, a growing disconnect between the real economy and financial markets, as well as digitalization. These changes have loosened the ties between firms and their territories. Growing inequalities, climate change and other social and environmental ills have led to social unrest and increased pressure on governments and corporations to act for a more sustainable and inclusive future. These developments question the very social contract of our societies and the role that businesses and governments play in this regard. They question the meaning of corporate purpose in a world where investors play a prominent role.
This unique event will begin with a keynote address of EU Commissioner Reynders and a roundtable with four renowned academic thinkers from different disciplines – Prof. Isabelle Ferreras (UC Louvain), Dr Max Krahé (University of Duisburg), Prof. Colin Mayer (University of Oxford) and Prof. Blanche Segrestin (Paris Dauphine).
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