ECARES became a partner of CEPR

ECARES is from now on the regional HUB of Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
It is a network that brings together academics and policy makers. This news was announced at the workshop to celebrate the 35th anniversary of CEPR.
The CEPR was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors. Today, CEPR’s network of Research Fellows and Affiliates includes over 1,000 of the top economists conducting research on issues affecting the European economy. Researchers are based in their home institutions (universities, research institutes, central bank research departments, and international organisations), and collaborate through the Centre in the pursuit of policy-relevant economic research and dissemination activities.
CEPR organises approximately 80 meetings a year, and produces over 700 discussion papers, reports and books. The headquarters of CEPR are based in London and until now London was also the main place to organise the meetings. From 2019 onwards, CEPR will organise together with ECARES several dissemination meetings in Brussels.