- 18 February 2025
Navid Sabet, Goethe University in Frankfurt
18 Feb, 14:00 - 15:30title : Out of the Shadows and into the Classroom:Immigrant Legalization, Hispanic Human Capitaland Hispanic Representation on School Boards
AbstractTo what extent does immigrant legalization foster human capital accumulation andtranslate into long-run economic mobility and political representation? I address thesequestions by comparing outcomes across people, public schools and counties in the USwith differential exposure to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), whichdocumented millions of Hispanic migrants. The IRCA increases Hispanic public schoolenrollment and high school completion, while whites sort out of public education andinto private schooling. In the long run, legal status boosts Hispanic college completion,access to high-skill occupations, and incomes. It also increases Hispanic school boardrepresentation and political mobility across locally elected public office but does not affectlocal government structure. These findings highlight legalization as a driver of humancapital investment and economic and political mobility. (JEL: I21, J15, H52)Location: R42.2.110Feb
18title : Out of the Shadows and into the Classroom:Immigrant Legalization, Hispanic Human Capitaland Hispanic Representation on School Boards
AbstractTo what extent does immigrant legalization foster human capital accumulation andtranslate into long-run economic mobility and political representation? I address thesequestions by comparing outcomes across people, public schools and counties in the USwith differential exposure to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), whichdocumented millions of Hispanic migrants. The IRCA increases Hispanic public schoolenrollment and high school completion, while whites sort out of public education andinto private schooling. In the long run, legal status boosts Hispanic college completion,access to high-skill occupations, and incomes. It also increases Hispanic school boardrepresentation and political mobility across locally elected public office but does not affectlocal government structure. These findings highlight legalization as a driver of humancapital investment and economic and political mobility. (JEL: I21, J15, H52)Navid Sabet, Goethe University in Frankfurt
Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:30
Location: R42.2.110
- 25 February 2025
25Merry Ferrando,Tilburg University
Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:30
Location: R42.2.113
- 4 March 2025
04Marion Dumas, LSE
Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:30
Location: R42.2.113