Pour Info : Héritage et succession
18 February 2022Comment léguer son patrimoine et éviter d’être trop lourdement taxé ? L’état belge collecte près de 2 milliards d’euros de droits de succession chaque année. Est-ce que la taxation belge est plus lourde que celle de nos voisins européens ?
Vais-je entamer un doctorat ? Cinq bonnes raisons pour poursuivre ou non son parcours universitaire par de la recherche
16 February 2022La Libre-Eco – Une chronique de Philip Verwimp, Professeur en économie de développement à Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (ULB).
Pierre-Simon de Laplace Prize 2022
7 February 2022We are proud to announce that the “Pierre-Simon de Laplace Prize 2022” has been awarded to Marc Hallin by the Société française de Statistique (SFdS).
Le canal de Suez est bloqué, la pandémie frappe, le commerce mondial tremble
16 December 2021De la prise du Capitole aux 30 ans de la fin de l’URSS en passant par la COP26 ou la Covid-19 : 12 temps forts de l’année 2021 que décryptent et mettent en perspective 12 expert·es de l’ULB
Vaccination passports in Europe. The antidote to hesitance ?
16 December 2021Is vaccination a choice or a responsibility? Through 2021, policymakers across Europe have used vaccine passports to keep others safe and counter vaccine hesitancy. Mathias Dewatripont discusses the mixed evidence for their effectiveness with Tim Phillips.
Editorial position
9 December 2021From January 2022 onwards, Davy Paindaveine will be for three years the Editor-in-Chief of Bernoulli, the flagship journal of the Bernoulli Society.
FNRS Grant for Estelle Cantillon
8 December 2021Congratulations to Estelle Cantillon who was awarded a research grant from the FNRS for her research on “Price formation in the EU emissions Trading Scheme: Evidence from theory and transaction data”.
FNRS-FRESH Grant for Morgane Rigaux
8 December 2021Congratulations to Morgane who received a FRESH grant from the FNRS for her research project “An empirical framework for the measure of individual well-being in the household”.
Prix de la diffusion scientifique ULB for M. Goldman and M. Dewatripont
1 December 2021Les Prix de la diffusion scientifique ULB sont décernés à des chercheurs, chercheuses ou centres de recherche qui ont contribué au cours de l’année, à partager leur démarche et leurs connaissances scientifiques avec le grand public. Pour cette première édition, douze lauréats, lauréates sont récompensés.
New director
1 December 2021ECARES is happy to announce that starting December 1st, Georg Kirchsteiger is our new director. We thank Bram De Rock for his excellent guidance throughout the last eight years.
Regulating Public Services – Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
23 November 2021Cambridge University Press, 2021
15th Belgian Environmental Economics Day 2022
22 November 2021POSTPONED TO MAY 30, 2022 – The Belgian Environmental Economics Day 2022 (BEED) provides an opportunity to researchers in the areas of environmental, resource and ecological economics from universities, university colleges, research institutes and research consultancy firms in Belgium, to present their work.
Data Methods for Empirical Researchers
20 November 2021The goal is to get on the frontier on best practices in data management, coding, reproducibility etc., from people in academia, data science and business.
3 Full-time Academic Positions
5 November 2021SBS-EM is hiring 3 new colleagues in the field of macroeconomics, public economics and mathematical economics.