ECARES @30 : Where Research Meets Society
In the context of Solvay 120 years, ECARES is organizing a conference showcasing the main research fields of our centre and their connection to economic policy. The conference – entitled ECARES@30 : Where Research Meets Society – will take place on June 30 and July 1. Please find attached the program of the conference. You …
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The Silicon Valley Bank collapse: Prudential regulation lessons for Europe and the world
21 March 2023Peter Praet, André Sapir and Mathias Dewatripont published a column on VoxEU. While the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank appears to be an example of failure of both bank management and supervision, it also offers insights about prudential regulation. This column draws two main lessons in this respect.
David Preinerstorfer awarded the 2022 Wetrems Prize
23 December 2022Congratulations to our ECARES colleague and friend David Preinerstorfer who on December 17 received the 2022 Wetrems Prize for Mathematics and Physics awarded by the Classe des Sciences of the Royal Academy of Belgium.
Inflation : la récession économique guette l’Europe
23 December 2022Avec une augmentation du coût de la vie jamais vue en 50 ans, le portefeuille des Belges se porte mal en cette fin d’année. Bram De Rock revient sur les événements qui ont provoqué cette inflation record, et les conséquences sur le pouvoir d’achat des ménages.
‘Het succes heeft China verblind en arrogant gemaakt’
29 November 2022Begraaf het idee dat internationale handel autocratieën helpt te liberaliseren. ‘China is uitgegroeid tot een frankensteinregime. En Rusland stevent af op een bloedig intern conflict’, zegt de Belg Gérard Roland, een wereldautoriteit in de evolutie van voormalige planeconomieën.
Impromptu workshop on electricity markets
23 November 2022December 5, 2022 – 9 am – 13:30 pm – av. Roosevelt 42, room R42.3.110
23 November 20224 positions : Strategy-Macro-Econometrics-Information economics/regulation/public policy (Deadline : 30 Nov 2022)
8 milliards de terriens: faut-il arrêter de faire des enfants ?
17 November 2022Le 15 novembre, l’humanité passera un nouveau cap : nous serons 8 milliards sur terre. C’est 2 milliards de plus qu’en 1998, 5 milliards et demi de plus que dans les années 50.
L’Europe cherche la porte de sortie de sa crise énergétique
5 September 2022Some thoughts on possible electricity markets intervention by our colleague Estelle Cantillon: competition policy has a role to play, as well as retail price regulation.
Noether Distinguished Scholar Award
2 August 2022The American Statistical Society selected Marc Hallin as the recipient of this prestigious award
The Fight to Save Ukraine’s 5.2 Million Displaced Kids From Trauma of War
1 August 2022an interview of Philip Verwimp by Adam Piore (July 6, 2022)
Best Paper Prize
1 August 2022We are very proud to announce that our PhD student Fabrizio Leone has won the best paper prize at the “XX SIEPI Workshop” for his work “Foreign Ownership and Robot Adoption“.
« Quel bilan tirer de la vaccination anti-Covid sur le plan industriel et économique ? »
8 July 2022Tribune: Mathias Dewatripont pointe, dans une tribune au « Monde », les succès et les échecs de la stratégie européenne de soutien à la recherche pharmaceutique, d’achat et de distribution des vaccins menée pendant la pandémie de Covid-19.
3 FNRS ASP Grants
29 June 2022Congratulations to our PhD students who obtained FNRS reasearch grants : Dimitri Konen, Fabrizio Leone and Giovanni Marianni.
First UCB-SBSEM symposium on Business and Society on June 27, 2022
20 June 2022This symposium is part of UCB and the Solvay Brussels School’s aspiration to contribute to a healthy debate on the roles and responsibilities of business in the ecosystem that “makes society”, so that society can flourish and set the path to a desirable future for the generations to come.