
FNRS-FRESH Grant for Morgane Rigaux

8 December 2021

Congratulations to Morgane who received a FRESH grant from the FNRS for her research project “An empirical framework for the measure of individual well-being in the household”.

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Prix de la diffusion scientifique ULB for M. Goldman and M. Dewatripont

1 December 2021

Les Prix de la diffusion scientifique ULB sont décernés à des chercheurs, chercheuses ou centres de recherche qui ont contribué au cours de l’année, à partager leur démarche et leurs connaissances scientifiques avec le grand public. Pour cette première édition, douze lauréats, lauréates sont récompensés.

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New director

1 December 2021

ECARES is  happy to announce that starting December 1st, Georg Kirchsteiger is our new director. We thank Bram De Rock for his excellent guidance throughout the last eight years. 

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15th Belgian Environmental Economics Day 2022

22 November 2021

POSTPONED TO MAY 30, 2022 – The Belgian Environmental Economics Day 2022 (BEED) provides an opportunity to researchers in the areas of environmental, resource and ecological economics from universities, university colleges, research institutes and research consultancy firms in Belgium, to present their work.

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Data Methods for Empirical Researchers

20 November 2021

The goal is to get on the frontier on best practices in data management, coding, reproducibility etc., from people in academia, data science and business.

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3 Full-time Academic Positions

5 November 2021

SBS-EM is hiring 3 new colleagues in the field of macroeconomics, public economics and mathematical economics.

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Etienne Sadi Kirschen Prize

7 October 2021

Florine Le Henaff received the Etienne Sadi Kirschen Prize from the Association of Economists of ULB and Solvay Business School (AEBr), for her master thesis « Gender gap in environmental concern and pro-environmental behaviors ».   The price annually rewards a master thesis in economics at ULB, with emphasis on its originality in economic analysis and on its …

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UNCTAD/Academy of International Business Award

30 September 2021

Baptiste Souillard received the UNCTAD/Academy of International Business Award for the Best Research Work on International Investment and Development for his paper “The Indirect Effect of Import Competition on Corporate Tax Avoidance.”

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Paper prizes for Fabrizio Leone

20 September 2021

We are very proud to announce that our PhD student Fabrizio Leone has won the best paper prizes at the “XXXV Jornadas de Economía Industrial” and “RIEF Doctoral Meeting” for his work on “Multinational Enterprises, Technology Transfers and Robot Adoption“.

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Chocs transitoires, effets permanents

26 February 2021

Une guerre civile ne s’arrête pas quand les armes se taisent. Est-ce que cela s’applique aussi à la crise du Covid-19 ? Philip Verwimp, February 13, 2021

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15 February 2021

André Sapir has been appointed as member to the High-Level Advisory Group on the main economic and social challenges the European economy will face in the post-Covid environment. The 8-member Group will advise the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, on issues that include: the medium- to long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on …

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ECARES Doctoral Lectures 2020-2021

12 January 2021

Ruben Durante, UPF will give lectures on “Text Analysis for Economists”

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16 December 2020

2020, année hors norme; et 2021? Douze chercheuses et chercheurs décryptent plusieurs temps forts de l’année écoulée et quelques grands rendez-vous à venir. Contribution of Glenn Magerman (October 2020)

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“Il faudrait une cotisation solidarité sur les revenus” – Mathias Dewatripont

30 November 2020

Mathias Dewatripont, économiste, était l’invité du Grand Oral RTBF/Le Soir ce samedi 28 novembre 2020 à 9h10 sur La Première. Au lendemain de l’annonce de la réouverture règlementée de certains commerces, pour préparer des fêtes qui s’organiseront en mode ultra mineur, il fait le bilan de la crise et des lendemains qui arrivent.

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